Monday, March 23, 2009

Avoid Heart Diseases through Natural way

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what would it take to avoid a heart surgeon? How about a multivitamin + mineral pill + some omega-3 oil. Add a diet low in processed food and a good 'lifestyle' that means don't smoke, control waist size, manage stress well, do some exercises and you will improve general health and help prevent heart disease. I know, it is natural and understandable to believe you're eating a well balanced diet but there is mathematical certainty even the 'best' diet cannot get you to most vitamins levels our systems and genome developed on.

Supplementation is safe, cheap, easy, and essential and fixes those problems.
In food processing, as when making flour or noodles, we lose 60-90% of most heart healthy vitamins. We degrade proteins by frying and high heat and our factories hydrogenate oil which first zaps all omega-3 (really vitamin F-3) by trans-forming it into toxic trans fat.

Science shows that a heart healthy diet is one with relatively unprocessed foods with veggies and some fruits, and rice or grains that retain some of their original kernel-structure to slow digestion. Such whole foods became scarce in Western diets. If you can't recognize part of the original food, the item is processed or refined. Some eggs, liver or fish are probably also vital for most of us.

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